Sunday, July 7, 2013

Woman as the Well--By Cindy Evans--United States

Woman as the Well

May I be like that well
where the Samaritan woman found You.
May I be like that place
where she found what was true.
May I be like that site
where's there's living water from Thee.
May I offer Your drink
to those who are thirsty...
May I be like that well
where others draw nourishment.
May I be as that source of help
where the Samaritan went.
May others find Jesus in me
as they seek the living water of You.
Oh, make me a well with
You flowing, making all things brand new!

Cindy Evans is a published poet living in the sunny south. When she's not writing, she does office work for Christian companies, spends time with her husband, Mark, goes walking and visits grand openings!


  1. Incredible poem, Cindy. It makes the reader imagine the well as a fountain of nourishment for the soul. Excellent! Best wishes, Carolyn Devonshire

  2. Thank you, Christine Tate, for the following comment--

    I enjoyed reading your inspiring poem. The living water that flows from God's eternal well never runs dry! A good reminder from your pen about the Samaritan woman at the well! We'll not thirst when we drink from God's well! Thanks for sharing...

  3. Spiritually uplifting - nice reading this evening confirming one's own thoughts. Well done!...

    Rhoda Galgiani

  4. Hello Cindy. Congratulations on your poem, "Woman as the Well" being published here at Whispers. Although I am a man, I can still truly identify with the woman who was at the well....I've been there many times myself. Your poem reminds me of just how helpless I am without the Savior and just how much He loves to heal and restore me and all His children that serve and obey Him. Blessings and continued success with your writing.


  5. I loved your analogy of living water coming from you even as it came from Jesus to the Samaritan woman at the well.
