Monday, June 25, 2018

Special Feature Translation Poem--By Eliza Segiet--Poland and Translated by Artur Komoter--United Kingdom

By Eliza Segiet

Chowam się
w ciszy
niepewności jutra,
cieszę się,
że dzisiaj nade mną jest
Opowiadam bajkę z chmur,
choć nie wiem
jak się skończy.
Wiatr daje zakończenie,
póki niebo się nie otworzy
– patrzę,
bo w niebie widzę kształty z ziemi.

Piękne są chmurne podróże
i chmurność nieba
jest piękna.


Translated by Artur Komoter

I hide
in the silence
of uncertainty of tomorrow,
I am glad,
that today the sky is
above me.
I tell a tale from the clouds,
although I do not know
how it ends.
The wind gives an ending,
until the sky does not open
I look,
because I see shapes in the sky from down below.

Beautiful are cloudy travels
and cloudiness of the sky
is beautiful.


  1. Hi Eiza and Arthur, you have created and shared an original idea with us. I like the way the poem moves along, its pace. It reflects and portrays good images. Thank you for sharing this. Good job! BW Annie

  2. Thank you Eliza & Artur, I must tell you, I felt instantly comforted by this incredible poem...we see deep blue skies behind billowing clouds here in Minnesota also, there is a wildness to it, I believe our Native American ancestors felt as you going to gather nettles in the forest in coming days, allowing leaves to brush my knees, the gentle sting relieves my stiff knees & dried roots boiled in tea soothe my mind, I will remember your beautiful poem as I look to the sky with gratitude! thank you! james marshall goff

  3. Eliza and Artur,
    A wonderful poem and translation. I liked them both!
    Yours truly,
    David Fox

  4. Enjoyed reading the English version. Very expressive and descriptive work. The expression of the idea of uncertainty through the use of the clouds is great use of poetic expression. Sara

  5. I enjoyed reading your work, thanks for sharing it with us!

  6. beautiful metaphor for the uncertainty and beauty of life's journey. Elegant. Thank you.

  7. love this clever write - always nice to see work in another language

  8. I really enjoyed reading your words. Thank you.
    The first stanza resonates with me especially well.
    I love Lines 7 - 9 - dreamy and creative lines.

  9. I loved both pieces, thank you Eliza and Artur!

  10. A lovely poem and I appreciate the translation. My Polish is very limited. I know hello, goodbye, and things like that from living many years in steel/coal towns in Pennsylvania.

  11. Gorgeous work from one of my favorite poets. Her love for humanity and the blessings of nature shine through in all her work.

  12. Dear Eliza,
    Clearly the clouds do speak ti us, Thanks for the message you got
    from them

    Knight Writer
