Saturday, November 9, 2013

Poe's pen...By Arthur C. Ford--United States

Poe's pen paints paper
Van Gogh hears too much

Arthur C. Ford, Sr. is originally from New Orleans, LA., where he graduated from Southern University (S.U.N.O.). He studied Mathematics, Physics, Creative Writing (Poetry) and was a member of The Drama Society. He has traveled to 45 States, lived in Europe (Bruxelles, Belgium), and more recently spent 30 days doing missionary work and traveling throughout the country of India. He publishes a quarterly poetry newsletter entitled THE PEN(The Poetry Explosion Newsletter), and resides in Pittsburgh, PA.


  1. Dear Arthur -

    Amazing! The bells of the masters. Too intense for Van Gogh, unrelenting for Poe.



  2. Arthur, I think this alliteration poem well written and quite interesting, because I learned a new word. Tintinnabulation=a ringing or tinkling sound. I liked too your comparisons. Thank you for sharing your talent and Kathy for yours too. Loved it!

  3. Gripping. A lot of truth in a few lines. Thanks for sharing.


  4. Dear Arthur,
    Loved the alliteration in the first line. Indeed, Poe's work always presents very clear images (or pictures) for readers. Van Gogh is one of my two favorite painters (Andrew Wyeth the other). It's a shame his mind became so cluttered with noise and depressing thoughts. Very well written! Love and blessings, Carolyn Devonshire

  5. What a little gem of a piece this is Arthur, I love to think also of great masterpieces of art being painted by the author... Your words here add some weight to those initial thoughts because in that light bulb moment of using the word 'Tintinnabulation' you give light to how much more is brought forward from a well written poem - in respect of all the senses dancing...; a dramatization in itself at times... As you can see I took lots from this, well done.

  6. Love this! You said so much in so few words. Well done!

  7. Thank you, Jack Horne, for the following comment--

    thought provoking and witty

  8. I enjoyed this.piece. Dynamite comes in small packages.

  9. Arthur,
    Loved this as I like Poe as a poet and Van Gogh as an artist
    ~David Fox
