Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Archive Selection--By Annie Jenkin--England--Originally Published--December 27, 2015


It crept in deceitfully
almost imperceptibly,
Snatching a word here or thought there
Leaving defenceless those who care,

Confusion is disguised as ribbons of lies
and thought retention unravels before our eyes,
More bold and open it erased memory
crushing remnants of personality,

Kindly words viewed with deep suspicion
provoking erratic aggression
Comprehension faltered...
then forever deleted.

Inability to dress,
read a newspaper
or handle a fork to eat their dinner,
Dissolving dignity into the abyss... 

Annie Jenkin lives in Plymouth, England. Having not written poetry for many years, Annie has returned to poetry writing with enthusiasm. Her writing explores several subject areas that are insightful, humorous but can also be sensitive.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Annie,

    You described a poignant situation, a lot of us see a loved one change after they are struck by 'Dementia'
    A well-written piece.

    Best wishes,
