Monday, March 23, 2015

Imagination--Suzanne Delaney--United States


This page of botanical images
in sepia, depict the petals, veins, leaves
of exotic plants. Listed alphabetically are illustrations
with a reader's favorites marked with string;
carefully indexed, scientific, dun-drab
they conceal the dream of translucent petals,
leaves that reflect light, adaptive roots. In idle fancy
an apparition of beauty unfolds
upright from the page.

Suzanne Delaney is a retired Registered Nurse. A resident of Hawaii, USA she was born in Tasmania. She now has time to pursue her passion for writing poetry, creating collages and for traveling.


  1. Wow, beneath the Sepia there are glorious colors which stimulate the mind to write such lovely words as these! Sheri

  2. I loved the imagery! Brings to mind my seed catalogs and how I love to dream as I thumb through the pages and envision how I would plant my garden, if I had one. Some day maybe. :) Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent.

  3. Thank you, Eleanor Michael, for the following--

    Here, truly, beauty is in the eye (and mind) of behavior. Good work.

