Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Skylark--By Connie Marcum Wong--United States

The Skylark – Alouette

Watch the birds in flight
As they soar from sight
Over verdant canopies,
With their nests below
Tiny feathers grow
On their fledglings in the trees.

Hungry mouths to feed
With the gathered seed
Found upon the dewy sod
Which the skylark brings.
Afterward she sings
Her sweet gift of song to God.

Connie Marcum Wong has been the Web Mistress of a private poetry forum Poetry for Thought since October 1999. She published her first poetry chapbook, Island Creations in 2005. In 2007, Heart Blossoms was published. In January 2010, an anthology, A Poetry Bridge to All Nations, was published by Lulu Enterprises, Inc. Connie created the 'Constanza' poetry form in 2007 and Con-Verse form in 2010. She has resided with her husband in Hawaii since 1980.


  1. this is beautiful, Connie - loved picturing this

  2. Your Skylark Alouette is lovely, Connie! Love the imagery and uplifting ending. Excuse my lack of presence here and elsewhere due to recurring computer problems. Warm regards // paul

  3. Dear Connie
    Thanks for sharing your great obsevations of th skylark
    Knight Writer
