Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Lonely--By Gert W. Knop--Germany


Persuaded by the fog
of loneliness,

thoughts drifting with the wind,
to times of happiness,
but now,
only an inferno
of feelings,
like worthless paper.
Even dreams
are lost.
of yesterday return.
like dark days,
the view
into future,
mirror of an empty world,
a love lost

Gert W. Knop, born in 1943, studies art and tropical agriculture in Germany and Scotland (University of Edinburgh). He has lived in many different countries and writes mainly in German, English and Spanish. He currently resides in Zittau (Saxony), Germany.


  1. A very well written and expressed write, so sad and one I can relate too. Well done. Pete.

  2. Dear Gert, Loneliness is such a terrible thing. It distorts our view of the world around us and makes everything seem worse. I can relate to what you write and you said it beautifully in a free verse form that stirs the mind to think. Hope you are well. Love, Carolyn

  3. Dear Gert,
    So good to find you posting here! I am very new but have been enjoying Whispers this evening! I'm sure we all experience loneliness at one time or another in our lives.
    It may be easier said than done, but sometimes we have to hold on to hope in order to make it to a "better" time. I pray you're doing much better and I should tell you that I miss your wonderful Haiku(s)? ( Is there an "s" at the end of Haiku which makes it plural?) lol! I'm not sure. Take care! Love, Audrey..a.k.a. Annalise Brigham

  4. Thank you, Isha Wagner, for the following comment--

    This is so expressive of the lonely state humans oft times endure, beautifully written, haunting with a kind of music pervading, portraying the sadness which seems inescapable and brings tears to the eyes.

    Yours sincerely
    Isha Wagner
