Thursday, January 14, 2016

Tanka--By Marilyn Fleming--United States

a forked road      
trying to decide—
a coin flip
landing on the hard edge
I spin out of control

a small rowboat
huddled in the rushes
osprey’s nest
a bird’s eye view
and yet—undercurrents

Previously published in Gogyoshi Monthly, Issue #3

Marilyn Fleming was born and raised on a farm in Wisconsin. She has a special
interest in oriental forms of poetry. <>


  1. and I'm worried about that rowboat...

  2. These are terrific Marilyn. What a wonderful surprise to get on this site as I do each night and find you tonight.

    Miss seeing you.

  3. Really enjoyed these Marilyn, thanks for sharing!

  4. Marilyn,
    I liked both of these, but for some reason I think I like the 2nd one a little better...
    Your friend,
    David Fox
