Saturday, November 18, 2017

Gold Digger--By Valerie Macon--United States

Gold Digger

Rake your spading fork under a potato plant
after the yellow flower fades and its leaf withers.
Cleave it from the earth, tubers clinging to roots.
Rummage the soil, find a buried golden spud.
Yeehaw! Then another, and another. Howl
till neighbors pause their coffee cups,
turn their heads from cable news and wonder,
why such jubilation?

Valerie Macon finds joy in growing food for the hungry. She is grateful for the garden, which produces 2 tons of vegetables per season, for this purpose. She also loves to write poetry.


  1. Thank you Valerie, you made it perfectly clear in your cheerful poem that we should be grateful for all the treasures great or small that mother Earth yields.

    Best wishes,
