Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February Boredom--By Charlotte Zuzak--United States

February Boredom

The February rain beats angrily against
the red, brick house,
as gray sky defies nature and seasonal change.
Lights within the house glow through the windows
like eyes with weighty curtains as lids,
a somnolent appearance, reflecting the day,
everyone's mood.
A day of nothing until time to
give thought to evening repast: pizza or
grilled cheese sandwiches?
The washing and ironing can wait, ennui
weighs heavily.
CNN and depressing news, One Life to Live--
no way!
A day to sleep and forget, join the bear
in hibernation.

Charlotte Ann Zuzak received her BA degree from Albion College and her MA from the University of Michigan in foreign languages. She taught Spanish for several years on both the high school and college levels. She has always been involved with music, namely piano and organ. Charlotte worked with voice students as an accompanist, and also as a church organist. She has been involved in writing starting in grade school when she wrote short stories and poetry. After she quit teaching she returned to her love of writing. With her husband, a retired university dean, she has traveled extensively in Europe, Russia and the United States. Charlotte and her husband have a daughter who is a medical doctor in Bethesda, Maryland.


  1. Charlotte,

    What a wonderful depiction of everyday life in North America. I love reading this one!


  2. Loved this one. The bear is a lovely touch. You made me smile :-) best wishes Ralph.

  3. Thank you, Jack Clubb, for the following comment--

    Well done. We all have these bad days, although February in Los Angeles is one of the more delightful months.

  4. Charlotte -

    Makes me want to get in my nightgown and dream with my hot chocolate. I was spellbound as the poem deepens. Lovely.


  5. Dear Charlotte,.

    Makes a girl want to get into her nightgown with a cup of coffee and dream. I became more drawn in as the poem deepens.

