Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Again…--By Rhoda Galgiani--United States


Ripples from the tide caress the image
A touch of grace came into view
With widened eyes one can see
New teachings written on the scroll

Coolness brought down the heat
That penetrated the souls search
Bright visions of clarity now prevail
Whispers of thanks became prevalent

Again, blessings have come
To care for one at a needed time
Again, He has figured it all out and
Came to aid the one who has lost tears -

Drying them with love

Rhoda Galgiani has published two books - Expressions From the Inside Out and No Snow for Johnny - A Child's Book. She also maintains a website with instructional poetry forms called Expressions Poetry Journal at Come visit for a relaxing moment and poetry instructions.


  1. Rhoda, this is beautifully written, soft like a soulful prayer. So much faith within even in the sadness expressed. Love reading you, Rhoda. Look forward to reading more of you........ Sheri /

  2. Dear Rhoda,

    This a lovely, soulful poem, Rhoda. Finding that renewed faith within you brings new hope and for one "again, blessings have come" with love. Beautiful!

    Sending you my best,

    Love Sandra

  3. Shari - thank you for the lovely comment. I carry a lot of faith and that is what brings me through when needed...Hugs from Rhoda

  4. Your words are comforting Sandra. Thanks you for taking a moment to read me and leave such a heartfelt comment. Returning the 'best' right back at cha!!! Hugs from Rhoda

  5. Wow. This is a powerful poem, Rhoda. It's speaking to me as I am reading. Thank you for sharing it with us and continued blessings!

    -MJ (

  6. Dear Rhoda,
    I have missed you. It is wonderful to read your poem of faith. Indeed, He always knows when we need him most.
    God bless you!

  7. Maurice - You send me a grand feeling to hear my words touch you. Blessing being sent right back your way...Hugs from Rhoda

  8. My truth has touched you Carolyn - isn't it great to know He is with us all the way? Miss you too...Hugs from Rhoda

  9. Thank you, Jack Horne, for the following--

    Rhoda - beautiful message

    1. Hi Rhoda,

      Thank you for sharing your heartfelt poem. God is forever faithful & never disappoints. Lovely message here! God bless you!

    2. Hello Rhoda. A great write as always. well expressed. your missed so much. best wishes. Pete.

    3. Thank you Jack for taking the time to read me - happy you liked it...

      Rhoda Galgiani

    4. Happy you enjoyed my message Chris - our faith gives us all a great feeling, doesn't it??? Where would I be without it???

      Rhoda Galgiani

    5. Peter my friend - thank you so much for the message - I miss you too, but not ready to come back to the other poetry site yet...I am starting to participate here at 'Whispers...' now a bit more - so keep checking in...Sending hugs and you know stuff like that to you...

      Rhoda Galgiani
