Thursday, April 27, 2017

Paint the World--By Phyllis Babcock--Canada

Paint the World

We paint our own colorful skies
Viewing them only through our eyes
We see and hear of greed, hate, anger and pain
Tales of valor, strength, fortitude and gain
We build our character to guide us along the way
Turbulence helps to cleanse our souls each day
Taking so much for granted in our routine life
Sometimes blinded by the world in its strife
We paint our own world in a colorful hues
Color can change quickly and spoil the view.

Phyllis Babcock was born in Saskatchewan, Canada in 1951 and currently resides in Regina with her husband. She has been blessed with two wonderful sons and daughter-in-laws. She has two grandsons and two granddaughters. She started writing poetry in 2004 and joined Poetry Soup site in 2006. She has been published in two anthologies, On Butterfly Wings and Snippets. Her work has also appeared on and in a local seniors’ newspaper. She feels writing has been a wonderful journey, meeting many new poets and writers along the way.


  1. Dear Phyllis,
    I liked "Paint the World" but not so fond of the ending.
    This great word described painting reads like a beginning.
    A beginning of a life full of color renewed. Good writing.

  2. Hello Phyllis, I love the way you use colors to reflect a person's view of the world. I guest my color would be purple. Purple says that I am a spiritual thinker. The color linked with royalty and spirituality. There is so much beauty in God's world but we also must not ignore the darkness that is so real today. Thank you for this wonderful poem.

