Thursday, November 6, 2014

Rock, Paper and Scissors--By James Andrew Fraser--Scotland

Rock, Paper and Scissors

The scissors are beaten by the rock
Man made steel has been left in shock
Now the rock has been beat
By a flimsy light sheet
The winning paper is where our words talk

James Andrew Fraser resides in Inverness, the Capital of the Highlands, Bonnie Scotland. He is married with four lovely children. Andrew, Steven, Rebekah and Liam. James has been writing poetry for about four years. He is a member of Poetry Soup where many poets have allowed his work to prosper, especially Carolyn Devonshire who has guided and inspired him.  His hobbies apart from poetry are music, art and football. You can read more of his poetry at his website 


  1. Hello, James, your submission here seems to fall into the limerick format but then again not really, since limerick is, 9, 9, 6, 6, 9 in syllable count with the rhyming just as you have it here............ your poem is very creative. Sheri

  2. James,
    I love the thought too apart from the style. Thanks much.

  3. This is very thought provoking because when life seems to beat us down so many of us forget the power of the sheet of paper (or words as your poem states). Writing has always been my most powerful tool in handling life's emotion's, both good and bad, so this one really speaks to me. Thank you.

  4. Hi James. Your poem is very creative and fun. Thank you for sharing it with us here at Whispers. Continued blessings!

    -MJ (

  5. James,

    Very creative use of the game Rock, Paper, and Scissors..Yes, words can build or destroy..I enjoyed reading this one today..


  6. Dear James,

    I enjoyed this clever limerick on Rock, Paper, Scissors and how the power of words can move the largest of rocks out of the way. Well done and thanks for sharing!

