Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Tanka--By Anne Curran--New Zealand

when the sun
sets over far hills
I say farewell ...
longing for the
swallow's flight

his shirt hanging loose
he turns his hazel eyes
on mine
this sweetness
through my veins

paper wasp 19 (4) summer 2013

this winter morn
the magnolia wears
a bodice of buds...
my demure mother
as a debutante

cattails, September, 2014

Anne Curran is a Japanese verse forms poet from Hamilton, New Zealand.  Anne has been writing poetry for about ten years with the encouragement of friends and family. She draws inspiration from the world around her. She has been fortunate to enjoy the wisdom of some fine editors and fellow poets.


  1. love your tanka Anne - do you have a blog site?

  2. Dear Anne,

    It is good to see you already have one lovely comment on your tanka. If you would like me to post a blog address, please email it to me, and I can ad it to your bio. Welcome to Whispers! I hope you enjoy your time spent here. Best wishes with all your writing endeavors. Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Warm regards,

  3. I got stuck at the second one. That was hot.
    Seriously, I thoroughly enjoyed this entire set.

  4. Dear Anne, I loved your Tanka. This format so easily seems "clunky", but yours held together so beautifully. Thanks. Ron Grognet

  5. Very creatively done and a pure joy to read! Sheri

  6. Nice work, Anne. Very nice work. Thank you for sharing. Continued blessings!

    -MJ (www,

  7. Anne,
    Your tanka shows the beauty of the forum. Besides the 5 lines, tanka can be so free with the syllable count, as with other Japanese forms. Welcome to Whispers!
    Your new friend,
    David Fox

  8. Anne,
    When I read your biographical notes after I'd read your tanka, I am so glad you had encouragement from family and friends. These are beautiful and each verse gives a new and wonderful picture. Thank you.

  9. Dear Anne,

    Welcome to Whispers. I really enjoyed reading each Tanka they all were very well written and I kept rereading the first Tanka as I liked it so much. Thank you for sharing your lovely words with us.


  10. I fell in love with your first and last Tanka Anne. Brilliant writing! Blessings for a lovely holiday, Connie
