Sunday, February 28, 2016

like a bird--By Ann Marie Mazzarella--United States

like a bird

like a wild bird under the moon
my heart beats whenever you're near

like a baby bird learning to fly
my wings have grown to freedom

like a blue bird singing under the sun
my soul is filled and whistles each tune

like two love birds within a tree
our souls are touched forevermore

pick any bird along the sky
knowing you I eternally glide

Ann Marie Mazzarella is a poet who resides in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.  She began to write in 2000 while working in shelters for abused women and children.  She would leave inspirational messages for encouragement.  Since 2005, Ann Marie has been associated with several international poetry sites where she has posted her entries and reviewed the works of others and has created several new poetry forms.


  1. Thank you Karen for posting this entry. I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself for health comes first. Blessings, Ann Marie

  2. Thank you very much. I look forward to seeing your work. Your review is wonderful. Sincerely, Ann Marie Mazzarella

  3. I look for your poems and enjoy them so much. I can't believe I missed this. It is so beautiful. Thank you once again.
