Thursday, February 8, 2018

Blackbird--By Joanne Olivieri, United States


He teeters softly
balancing unconscious
upon fog dampened phone lines.
Feathers his garment,
he awakens to windswept mist
and shattered street scenes below.
Emerging from his protective quarters
inside himself, he spreads his wings
and surveys concrete organisms
below his perch where the cumulus
provide a warm, safe haven.
He flutters haphazardly on broken
streets surrounded by industrial obesity
in search of discarded
morsels to satisfy his hunger.
Innocuous in his size he is not noticed and
therefore not seen, though rises above it all
naturally gifted
with wings of freedom.

(first published Stanzaic Stylings)

Joanne Olivieri is a San Francisco native.  She is a published poet and photographer. Her poems are published in numerous magazines and ezines. Her poem, "Symphony of Lights", was chosen as one of the Entries in the initial round of the Cathay Pacific Airways - 100 Reasons We Love Hong Kong contest, July 2007-. She won a round-trip ticket to Hong Kong for her winning entry.  


  1. Dear Joanne,

    I love your poem, it's evident that you share your admiration for birds in your work. I'm very pleased you were willing to contribute your lovely poem to Whispers.


  2. I like how you take one image and expand on it. Well done!

  3. Dear Joanne,

    It is so good to see you already have four comments on your insightful poem's multi-sense imagery to share your message. Welcome to Whispers! I hope you enjoy your time spent with us.


  4. A wonderful poem, full of imagery and truth....lovely!
