Monday, May 21, 2018

No Comfort--By John Grey--United States

No Comfort

I made what I thought was
a kind and appropriate gesture,
words of genuine sympathy
and an expression to match.
But my presence
drew no response from her.
Touch, conversation…
nothing to hang an emotion on.
Eventually, she took her leave
without a word,
unless tears and a reddening
of the cheeks
are a language.
Certainly, silence is.
I continued to speak it
long after she was gone.

John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in Examined Life Journal, Evening Street Review and Columbia Review with work upcoming in Leading Edge, Poetry East and Midwest Quarterly.


  1. Dear John,

    Silence can express often so much more than words. Thank you for your well-crafted poem.

    Best wishes,

  2. John, very well-written and no wasted words.

  3. John,
    I enjoyed your poem. Very well done!
    Your friend,
    David Foz

  4. Dear John,
    I enjoyed this. First time I thought of silance being a speach.
    very well done.
    Knight Writer

  5. A well-written and enjoyable poem, John. I enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing. Continued blessings!

