Sunday, January 11, 2015

Merge--By Cristine A. Gruber--United States


There’s comfort in the key moments of each day:

The wind rattling the windows,
the alarm beginning to sound,
the location of one’s clothes,
the placement of one’s boots,
the constancy of one’s meals,
the creak of a closet door,
and the presence of life’s
most precious memories
being touched by the current of time.

There’s relief in routine,
safety in consistency,
sufficiency in the familiar,
warmth in knowing what to expect.

And peace in knowing
that certain things will never change,
serenity in accepting the things that do.

The past, forever
touching the present,
prepares us for the future.

Cristine A. Gruber, a Southern California native, is a registered caregiver as well as a widely-published poet. Her work has been featured in numerous magazines, including: North American Review, Writer’s Digest, California Quarterly, The Homestead Review, Iodine Poetry Journal, The Penwood Review, The Poet’s Haven, Red River Review, The Tule Review, Wilderness House Literary Review, and The Write Place at the Write Time. Her first full-length collection of poetry, Lifeline, is available from More of Cristine's work can be found at


  1. Cristine, This is a beautiful piece. I loved the flow of it and everything else about it, thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Peggy! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Lovely to see you again.

      Happy New Year to you and your family, and may 2015 be a wonderful and creative year for all. :)


    2. Best wishes for a happy New Year to you and yours as well....

  2. Love the descriptiveness of this poem...

  3. Hi Christine. excellent poem. Flows like a river. Beautiful to read....Peter

    1. Hello, Peter. :)

      Thank you so much. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

      I hope 2015 proves to be a wonderful year for you and all your loved ones. :)

      Cristine ~

  4. Warm and soothing. Nice one, Cristine. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (

    1. Thank you so much, Maurice! I'm so pleased you enjoyed it. :)

      Happy New Year to you and all your loved ones. May 2015 prove to be richly blessed. :)

      Cristine ~

  5. I loved the flow of this poem and the truths you set forth. Indeed there is comfort and peace in the unchanging routines that decorate our lives. Thank you Cristine for sharing your talent.
