Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Special Feature Collaborative Poem--By Joan McNerney and Marianne Szlyk--United States

Twelve steps to spring

By Joan McNerney and Marianne Szlyk

bramble on snow
soft bird song

scentless dogwood, azalea, and rose
bring color to our pastel neighborhood

toddlers stomping
over puddles

open your windows
to lilacs in warm rain

hearing our creek as
it races downstream

Saturday morning’s lawn mowers
hum and buzz over grass and buttercups

noontime perfumed
berries, new grass

cherry blossoms surf the wind
from branches to uncut grass

winds gently kiss
our foreheads

past dinnertime, teenagers parade in sunlight
while children on scooters race after them

shy blue evening
black trees against sky

listening to baseball over the ceiling fan
old lovers on their porch share ice cream


  1. Thank you, Arthur Ford, for the following--

    To Joan & Marianne,
    I just received it, just read it
    and JUST LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    MORE , MORE MORE!!!!

    arthur c. ford,sr.,poet/editor of "The Pen"

  2. Joan and Marianne,
    Really like the images in this poem, especially the last line, "old lovers on their porch share ice cream" precious!
    Your friend,
    David Fox

  3. The old lovers on the porch evoke my parents who spent much time on their porch in Maine.

  4. Loved it Joan and Marianne!!! Makes me look forward to Spring even more. Thank you for sharing your talents. Keep it coming.
    Love, Charlene

  5. Well done on a beautiful collaboration, Joan and Marianne! The lovely imagery makes me yearn for spring that will arrive in all its allure. Thank you for sharing. // paul

  6. Love it. From start to finish it is filled with passion and vivid images. This is a very nice collaboration. Thank you, Joan and Marianne. Continued blessings to you both.

    -MJ (

  7. Thank you so much, Charlene, Paul, Peggy, and Maurice. Yes, we are all yearning for spring!

  8. Thank you all so very much. It was a delight to work with Marianne and it is a delight to be a part of this wonderful poetry adventure with all of you.
