Thursday, September 24, 2015

Haiku--By Carolyn Noah Graetz--United States

my husband
a mouse trap

   his sheep
hear his voice
   yet to follow

   over night flight
         to Rio
my English dissolved

my church leans
   to the left
I open my door

Carolyn Noah Graetz was born in a small country community of Blackmonton in Carroll County, Mississippi. She graduated from the Vaiden High School in that county in 1956. In the fall of that year she entered the Touro Infirmary School of Nursing in New Orleans. A few years later she attended and graduated from the school of nurse anesthesia at the Charity Hospital in New Orleans. She has been married for 50 years to Dr. Roger Graetz, and they have two children and four grandchildren who were born on three different continents.

1 comment:

  1. Carolyn, I loved your Haiku, especially the second one. How true many hear His voice and yet wait to follow. Thank goodness He never stops calling and is patient and longsuffering...He never gives up, nor should we in our ability with his help to heed His call. Thank you for sharing your talent.
