Monday, September 14, 2015

Left Wondering--By Scott Thomas Outlar--United States

Left Wondering

There are certain moments in one’s life
that are so good,
so filled with pure happiness,
so entwined in bliss,
so lined up with synchronicity,
so honest,
so true,
so right,
that when they go wrong
every moment after
for the rest of that life
one is left wondering why;
and so, to fill the void,
one spends the next several years
writing poetry…alone…
always wondering…why?

Scott Thomas Outlar spends the hours flowing and fluxing with the ever changing currents of the Tao River. His next chapbook, Songs of a Dissident, will be released in early 2016 through Transcendent Zero Press. He enjoys connecting with readers and fellow writers at his daily blog


  1. So true indeed...another tour de force!

    1. Thanks for stopping by to read, my friend. Cheers!

    2. Thought provoking poem Scott. Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed reading it! Good wishes, Chris~

  2. All things considered, I hope, in the end, the good times outweighed the bad.
