Monday, October 12, 2015

A Fallen Muse--By Brian Strand--England

A Fallen Muse

October's gilded glow..
a meditative illumination..
lemon not ..yellow.
Within and without the fading
light moves wraith-like to
and fro..
Upon the Autumn breeze..
the glory..and the regret..
as Summer's muse prepares
to go.

Brian Strand has created short poetic forms including 'broken monoku' (a haiku variation) and 'footle' (a trochaic monometer with witty, topical, etc themes) and Captioned Cartoon, an Ekphrasis combining his art and poetic interests. He has published a seven kindle ebook series Poetic forms; A Strand of Verse; My Choice Strand Verse; A Strand Guide; Christianity Explained; A Strand critique; and Captioned Cartoon Ekphrasis. Brian has written nearly 200 Amazon reviews and is a Wiki poetry and art editor.


  1. This is a beautiful write my friend. I surely loved reading this tremendous poem this morning. You have enlightened me by your grandiose piece here. Great work.


  2. Thank you Russell for your kind comments.Autumn has a certain wistful feeling as sunny days remind of summer but of winter ahead as the evenings draw in.reds Brian

  3. Very nice poem, Brian. Soft and soothing. Thank you for sharing it and continued blessings!

    -MJ (
