Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Touch Wood--By Angelee Deodhar--India

Touch Wood

Coming to know that a friend’s brother has succumbed to cancer, I re-live my own loss, when the father of my son passed away three years ago with a secondary in the brain. I put on meditational music on my laptop and let the sound of ocean waves wash over me…distant gulls scream from another shore. Do those who leave us hear them?

art class--
a marble's path back
to kindergarten

Originally published in cattails, 2014

Angelee Deodhar, an eye surgeon by profession is a haiku poet, translator, and artist. She lives and works in Chandigarh, India. Her haiku/haibun/haiga have been published internationally in various books and journals, and her work can be viewed on many websites. To promote haiku in India, she has translated six books of haiku from English to Hindi, which she distributed for free. These bilingual books include: If Someone Asks: Masaoka Shiki's Life and Haiku (2005),Classic Haiku: A Master's Selection, edited by Miura Yuzuru (2006), Ogura Hyakunin Isshu: 100 Poems by 100 Poets (2007), Children’s Haiku from Around the World–A Haiku Primer (2007), Indian Haiku (2008), and The Distant Mountain: The Life and Haiku of Kobayashi Issa (2009).


  1. Thank you,Karen and Arvinder,love angelee

    1. Dear Angelee,

      It is a pleasure and a gift to publish your wonderful poetry here at Whispers. Thank you so much for sharing your gift for words.


  2. Touching and heart-felt, Angelee. Very nice write. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (

  3. Angelee, I felt deeply your need for peace as I have at the remembrance of my mother's death and too have found solace in meditative practices and writing. Thank you for sharing your talent and I did appreciate your touching write.
    Love, Charlene

  4. Dear Peggy,dear Rev.Reynolds dear Charlene,
    thank you so much for your kind words,love and light,angelee

  5. as always, well done!
