Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Grocery Shopping--By Jim Teeters--United States

Grocery Shopping

I push my cart down the aisle
my targets: laundry detergent,
French baguette, deli mustard
half pound sharp cheddar
but I see a small child
a shining face
his eyes dark cherries
the mother distracted
in her quest for pickled onions
maybe green olives
but this child
for a moment
claims my shopping heart
before I glide away
toward the dairy case

Jim Teeters has published poetry in several anthologies. He conducts poetry workshops for children and adults and is active in poetry readings in the Seattle area through the Striped Water Poets. He is the author of six poetry collections and the book, Teach with Style, (ASTD Press July 2013). Jim is a retired social worker living in Kent, Washington.


  1. Beautiful poem, I liked it very much.

  2. This is a fantastic write my friend. I really enjoyed reading this awesome poem this morning. What a glorious piece, Great work,


  3. Hello Jim. Thank you for sharing a fun poem about grocery shopping, something in which I actually like to do. Continued blessings!

    -MJ (www.tgbtgpublictions.com)
