Thursday, September 1, 2016

Bereft--By David Palmer--United States


Priceless pearls scattered as the necklace
Was snapped, ripped away by greedy
Hands, envious of your sublime beauty
And even gentler encouragement. Bounced
Every one of them cross cobblestones, cracks,
And down the storm drain irretrievable.
Holding that golden empty promise string
Your fountain of tears so scalded my soul.
Could I but hold you, say comforting words,
I would have. But words are trite when the heart
Is blistered in injustice’s heat.
We gathered what we could, returning
To the Sea, knifing open more oysters
Restringing your dream, one pearl at a time.

David Palmer makes his home in Renton, Washington, just outside Seattle.  As a former minister, and avid reader, he is a lover of poetry and has written 88 sonnets, mostly for the delight of his friends.  He currently works for Bloodworks Northwest in Bellevue, Washington, a blood center supplying whole blood, platelets and plasma for transfusion to patients in hospitals in Alaska, Washington, and Oregon.


  1. So beautiful!..Restringing your dream, one pearl at a time. Thanks David for sharing this sonnet with such powerful imagery. Warm regards! Neena

  2. So beautiful!..Restringing your dream, one pearl at a time. Thanks David for sharing this sonnet with such powerful imagery. Warm regards! Neena

  3. Strike by the depth of the poem...Well done!

  4. I love that line too Neena, " Restringing your dream, one pearl at a time." I enjoyed this sonnet very much.

  5. excellent work David
    your fountain of tears so scalded my soul just one of the great lines my friend
