Friday, October 6, 2017

The Theme Team--Collaborative Feature Submission Guidelines--Hosted by Jack Horne--England

In an effort to increase opportunities for writers, Whispers is offering a new opportunity for collaborative poetry. The name for this opportunity is, The Theme Team.

1. Two or more writers may collaborate to submit poems for consideration to be featured our online journal. 

2. If you are interested in partnering with another writer, please contact your Collaborative Poem Editor at his email address below.  You will be given a theme.

3. Preferred method of submission is to send your poem in the body of an email with your name and country. Please email your partnered submission to Jack at  If you would rather submit by snail mail, please email me for my home address. You may email me with any questions you may have.

4. Submissions to The Theme Team will be NEW WORK since a topic will be assigned for each partnership to work on together. Please do not send quotes from others unless they are in the context of the piece submitted and that the original author is given credit. 

5. The total line-count of partnered poems should not exceed 40 lines. Writers should use the same form.

6. There is no submissions deadline. Take your time and enjoy the collaborative experience.

7. No profanity, erotica, violence or other derogatory writing will be accepted.

8. Whispers’ reserves the right to select poetry based on the goal stated at the end of the guidelines.

9. Spiritual poetry is welcomed but the editor would like to have a variety of pieces  that will uplift and inspire readers. Humor is appreciated.

10. Poetry will be published along the left margin for consistency. Please keep that in mind when submitting.

I hope you enjoy this opportunity to experience the joy of writing with others.

Jack Horne
Whispers’ Collaborative Poetry Editor


  1. Dear Jack,

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful opportunity for our Whispers community to enjoy. Working together, we share a writing experience that becomes greater than our selves.

    Blessings and gratitude,

  2. Thanks, my friend - I'm very much looking forward to this.
    Jack x

    1. Dear Jack,

      So am I. Thank you so much for your willingness to help bring opportunities to share our words for Whispers.

