Thursday, May 3, 2018

Special Feature Translation Tanka--By Pat Geyer--United States with Translation--By Inge Wesdijk--The Netherlands

against the late sky
tree branches draw silhouettes...
stars shining like streams
we will bathe in the starlight
til the sun comes up

in the herb garden
the weeds make a soft cushion...
sitting in comfort
staring at the azure sky
watching the day breeze by

in a scented breeze
my lavandula beckons...
in graceful gestures
to and fro cross the garden
dressed in purple it calls me

By Pat Geyer—United States


Tegen het late avondlicht
tekenen boomtakken silhouetten...
schijnen sterren als rivieren
we zullen baden in het sterrenlicht
tot de zon opkomt

in de kruidentuin
maakt onkruid een zacht kussen
op mijn gemak zittend
starend naar een azuurblauwe hemel
wachtend tot de dag voorbij gewaaid is

in een geurig briesje
wenkt mijn lavendel
met elegante gebaren
heen en weer door de tuin
gekleed in paars, roept ze mij

Translation by Inge Wesdijk—The Netherlands


  1. lovely 'aromatic' write & wonderful to see it in another language

  2. This is beautiful, the words flow like a graceful dance, thank you both.

  3. Pat wrote a beautiful Tanka, it was a pleasure to translate his poetry.

  4. Enjoyed reading this one. Very creative and expressive. Sara Kendrick.

  5. Pat and Inge,
    Good translation . Dutch always fascinated me. Is it difficult to learn?

    1. I guess Dutch is as difficult or easy as any other foreign language. At least the characters are the same contrary to Chinese or Arabic characters

  6. Nicely done, Pat and Inge. A delight. Thank you both. Continued blessings!


  7. Thank you all. Much appreciated.
