Friday, April 5, 2013

Vale of Tears--By Terry O’Leary--France

Vale of Tears

She walks along an avenue
some call the Vale of Tears.

Her sorrow sheds a drop of dew,
from eyes that vail a tear.

She whiles alone, her gaze unmet,
behind a veil of tears.

But can she flee from sadness, yet
with no avail of tears?

In time, the Rue of No Regrets
will countervail her tears.

Terry O’Leary defines himself as "A physicist lacking gravity...".


  1. Dear Terry -

    and what to my wondering eyes should appear
    but Terry O'Leary and his Vale of Tears.

    How could I not forget this vale and your use of words to such advantage? Your bio is short and silly. Thank you for that too, but I'd love to learn more about you.

    Great poem! (I'm prejudiced).

    xxx's ooo's

  2. Thank you dear Kathy,

    Yes! It is short and silly... and lacking gravity...

    xxx's ooo's

  3. Dear Terry,

    Thank you for the encouraging comments you have been leaving for others and for sharing your wonderful poem for Whispers. It's fun to share a last name with you too. Keep on writing! Wishing you the best in your writing journey.


  4. Thank you, Phyllis Babcock for the following comment--

    Enjoyed this sad poem your have penned Terry.

  5. A clever use of wording, I like how you continue the use of veil in various formats throughout. Enjoyable, thanks for sharing.
