Thursday, April 25, 2013

Wax Slides--By Kevin Bates--United States

Wax Slides

The wax slides as
my mind ponders the
obscure road ahead.

We are smiling as peace
outweighs problems.
Embrace love!

Kevin Bates is an avid reader. You will find him reading everyday books of non-fiction or poetry online. He loves family, sports, reading and writing poetry. He has one handsome son and grandson. He hopes to one day be published, bring a smile, and help many through his poetry. He lives outside Houston, Texas and can find him reading or writing right now.


  1. Your poetry gives the reader something to think about - and then your last line pulls it all together. My mind is going to ponder this one for a while. Now, I know why you always write in a big way - You'se from Texas!!! Nice work here Kevin...

    Rhoda Galgiani

  2. I love your opening stanza, Kevin. "The wax slides" What could be a better image.


  3. I love your opening stanza, Kevin. "The wax slides"... what could be a better image of time passing.

