Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Limerick--By Jean Calkins--United States


The question has baffled us all;
I find myself climbing the wall.
The answer, it seems,
Must come in my dreams,
For my brain cells have slowed to a crawl.

Jean, at 80, has been writing poems since she was 18. For 25 years she published a popular poetry quarterly of up to 100 pages, with a subscribership of nearly 500. Illness in 1986 ended the magazine. She currently publishes, by email, a 2-page monthly of clean humor. Contact her at


  1. Hi Jean -

    Oh yeah! Even more fun when you get a friend to not remember with you. Nice way for me to start my day.


    1. Reply from Jean Calkins--

      I have a 'friend' to not remember with me - my husband! He can't hear; I can't talk loud enough to suit him. Great conversations around here! Thanks! Jean

  2. Thank you, Jack Clubb, for the following comment--

    I am fond of limericks and it is easy to like this one. Congratulations!

    1. Reply from Jean Calkins--

      Thanks for your comment, Jack. Always appreciated. I wish I could find time to read all the rest of the poems and comment. Jean

  3. Yeah... it kinda makes me think... slowly... Terry (funny!)

  4. Reply from Jean Calkins--

    I got a kick out of how you used the space that shouldn't have been in the poem, yet seems to fit. Jean

    Editors note--I got that space corrected. Like Terry, I thought it was funny too.

  5. I really loved this Limerick. I love writing Limerick style myself and I can sure relate to this one as I am approaching 74.

  6. Thank you, Connie Marcum Wong, for the following comment--

    I truly admire the ease with which this Limerick seems to be written. I know, however, they are not that easy to write. A wonderful Limerick you have shared.

    Blessings, Lotus

  7. I simply must 'sister' this limerick!

    At least your cells have some brains;
    mine have regretfully gone quite insane.
    It started with a crash
    and ended up with a splash
    became unplugged and were sucked down the drain!:p

    Love Jane
