Friday, August 8, 2014

In Fields of Nature--By John W. (Bill) Williams--United States

In Fields of Nature

A walk through fields of nature
Kindles my innermost feelings
With the spectacular beauty
Of God’s inspiring gifts…
Budding trees and wild flowers awake
With a refreshing signal that the life
Of springtime embraces again…
Fox prowl in tall grass, searching
For an early morning catch;
In nearby meadows, deer graze peacefully…
Birds’ melodies quicken my spirit
As they greet me with inviting songs;
A rainbow’s color after a sudden rain
Moves my soul with a satisfying praise…
I never cease to utter a thankful prayer
For the reaches of God’s beauty
In fields of nature.

John W. (Bill) Williams is a retired language arts and children’s literature educator.  He lives in Martin, GA, where he stays busy with his art and poetry.  He has been published in a variety of venues.


  1. Beautiful write, John! You express what I experience on my 3 mile jog in early mornings. It is one on one with nature, it is a private "chat" with God, it is inspiring and motivating filling one with great energy and exuberance! You paint a beautiful word painting, I may not see the deer or the fox - but, I can feel them there! It fills me up! Sheri /

  2. John,
    You know I am a big fan of your work. I love the way you mix nature and spirituality in this poem. A fine job!
    Your friend,
    David Fox

  3. Hi John,

    I can but say "amen" to your feelings about the natural beauty God gave us. When the weather cools off, I look forward to seeing the deer, fox and wildflowers again along nearby nature trails.

    How beautifully you weave your words to give readers a vivid picture. Excellent work!

    Best wishes,

  4. Love it, Bill. So inspirational and enlightening. Great job. Continued blessings!

    -MJ (

  5. Thank you for all the lovely words on John's beautiful poem. I will send your comments to him. John, your poem is so uplifting and inspirational. Your faith shines through your words. Thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement.

