Sunday, August 17, 2014

Reason for Mortal Life--By Yancy Lee Dalton--United States

Reason for Mortal Life

I remember, Dad taking his snow boots off, while observing upset mom.
She was listing to the battery powered radio. Dad asked, "What's wrong"
"Pearl Harbor was bombed and were now in the war," was her angry reply
This memory, I thought I experienced as a very young child. Years flew by
Memory still fresh in my mind, in the library, I looked it up in a history book
December 7, 1941 was day of the bomb, view May 12, 1942 my birth look

Shocked at this new found evidence, I saw my parents before I was born
Collecting criteria from others, some shady, some clear, thoughts did form
Concluding, birth is but a forgetting of an existence lived before this birth
Proving to me, every plant, beast or man existed before coming to earth
Now housed in a temporary mortal body to grow in, master and control
Preparatory to a greater permanent immortal body of a conscious soul

Growth challenge then becomes to lean not to our natural understanding
Often reeked with self, selfish ego, so becoming alarmingly demanding
Is so hard to imagine that a loving father prepared this for our discovery
Sending a mortal + immortal Son to ransom for our complete recovery?
Like scripture describes, individual growth is the reason each are here
Not war or slavery, but liberty to act with love, compassion, free of fear

Yancy Lee Dalton is a published writer from Colorado.


  1. Hi, there, Yancy. Your poem tells of how things should be by now. Wow, that must've been so scary for you to hear all of that! But, we have all experienced some very bad things, 9-1-1 - all the terrible unrest in foreign countries - all of that ugly and bad things in our own country - gangs and senseless shootings! When will we ever learn? Never........ that is earth, that is the finite and the vanity of man speaks loudly! Your wonderful poem is precious reality and so sad....... hope to read more of you and often! Sheri /

    1. Thanks so much She Sta, I havent had a lot of time for commenting until lately. I love what you say about this. I have had many experiences brining me to life before mortality. We are here to grow, not fight. I will be more active from now on.

  2. We are born into a short life of trouble, but if we make the best of it, and with a little luck and a measure of Grace, the good times will always outweigh the bad.

    I really enjoyed this, Yancy.

    1. Tnanks Micheal, I totally agree with what you say

  3. Yancy, I enjoyed reading your work..Jesus was, became and still is but not so sure about man being before..Sara

    1. Thanks Sara, I believe Jesus was appointed our savior as a spirit being before he or any of us had a body. Under the direction of the father of us all he talked to Abraham, and all the prophets. He said "before Abraham was,"I am" If we
      follow him as our Savior, we cannot go wrong.

  4. Wonderful story, Yancy. Touched my heart. Thanks for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (

    1. Thank you Maurice, I love your spirit, and now I have more time to visit. Expect to hear more from me.

  5. Yancy, I agree whole heartedly that we lived before and that Father sent us here to learn to overcome the flesh through love, made possible by His only begotten son' atoning sacrifice,.so that we can return to live with them forever.. Thank you for sharing such well written and heart felt poem. I really enjoyed it.

    1. Thanks Charlene. I had another experience that proves what you wrote. I had a friend that was struck by lighting. As I was looking for him and hollering, he spoke to me and told me not to worry and tell his folks not to worry, that he had a mission else where and was not sorry. This message conforted his folkes. I did not understand and cried as my dad called me and I seen horse and rider laying dead on the groud as if they were still running.
