Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Our Peanut Puppy--By Shirley Smothers--United States

Our Peanut Puppy

Silly little Puppy,
Silly little Dog.
She’s hyperactive
she’s an attention hog.
I love her
to pieces,
with her I
love to play.
But sometimes I
wish she’d just
go away.
For just a
few minutes,
to give
me a rest.
Because sometimes
my patience,
she does test.

RIP Peanut
Nov. 10-1999
Aug 12-2014

Shirley Smothers is a poet. A few of her poems have appeared in Lone Stars Magazine, The Poets Art, and The Poetry Explosion Newsletter.


  1. What great feeling and emotion portrayed here and your love of your peanut puppy is fully displayed. Thanks for sharing the storyf with us. Bob

  2. Dear Shirley, Your poem for "Peanut" is so sweet, but I'm sorry you have lost her. My friend Judy has a little dog by the same name and he is the light of her life. God bless you, dear.


  3. Hi Shirley. I have enjoyed "Our Peanut Puppy." When I was a kid, me and my brothers and sisters had several dogs and cats throughout our childhood. It was never easy when one passed away. Beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (www.tgbtgpublictions.com)

  4. I loved your poem Shirley. It so reminds me of my little Chihuahua/Terrier mix and my sentiments exactly, except she has not passed away. Sorry for your loss. I know I will miss my little pooch when she is gone but golly she does test my patience at times too. Thanks for sharing your puppy dog tail. LOL.
    Love, Charlene

  5. Dear Shirley,

    A sweet poem on your beloved pet "Peanut". Animals do fill one's heart with joy with their unconditional love. I am very sorry for your loss.

    Sandra Stefanowich
