Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Seaside Serenity--By Anna-Marie Docherty--Wales

Seaside Serenity

Simple treasures we have found
(seaweeds, fossils
seashells, crabs)
as we learned to look around

Walking holding hands
(He stopped
and wrote)
I love you in the sand

As the tides began to rise
(He laughed
I cried)
as the words disappeared before our eyes

But simple treasures we have found
(become fossilized
loving memories)
as we learn to look around

Anna-Marie Docherty lives in Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK and is often inspired by nature and the world around her. Having been writing poetry now for 4 - 5 years, her works have developed in structure and form as well as using free verse in her writing as she walks this endless art form and creativity in her thirst to further learn. Letting the pen and the muse dictate topic and form both humour, religion, nature or the serious subject might be touched upon therefore keeping the writing fresh and easy to read by those who follow. Writing both as given name above and pen name anaisnais through the net, examples of poems can be found both in Snippets, an anthology of short verse by various international poets, compiled by Karen O'Leary and Patricia Ann Farnsworth-Simpson; also Pink Panther magazine, an anthology written by several poets and artists on feminist issues in our environment and various poems on the internet for taster.


  1. I enjoyed your inspiring poem Anna-Marie...It evokes beautiful memories of the ocean I love so much & visit often!

  2. Dear Anna-Marie, thank you for the lovely well written poem. I so enjoyed the read and am reminded of my love for the sea-side and times I visited my grandparents as a child and with them the ocean. The love from them and memories of gathering sea shells and sand-crabs will never 'wash away'.
    Love, Charlene

  3. Anna-Marie, you have floored me with this poem. Brilliant is detail and subsequent surmise... You obviously wrote this from a good place, your heart.

  4. Lovely poem! Reminds me of summer walks along the lakeshore with friends on Lake Michigan in Northwest, Indiana. Fond memories of people on the beach, and looking for heart rocks! Thank you!

  5. Anna-Marie,

    I could just see the scene and feel the waves of the ocean..


  6. Such a wonderful visual picew inspired by your lovely Whales coast. took me back to my childhood and searching the rock pools. still fascinates me. take care. best wishes. Pete.

  7. I absolutely love the "serenity" of the poem, Anna! I especially love the opening verses. Nice job. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (www.tgbtgpublictions.com)

  8. Thank you, Jack Horne, for the following--

    Anne-Marie - love this thoughtful write which brings back happy memories of the seaside

  9. This is indeed seaside serenity, Anne-Marie! Anything concerning the sea captivates me; living on an island I have my full share of sea which I love to watch, both when it is calm and also when the waves are rolling and crashing on the rocks. Thank you for sharing. // paul

  10. It seems great bonds are formed around the Oceanside! Not only with humans but with nature and the great and glorious art work God has provided us! Thanks for sharing this beautiful and touching imagery and soul. Sheri / www.poetryandbeyond.net

  11. Anna-Marie,
    The beach is such a beautiful and wistful place, perfect for romance (mostly in Summer here -- New York, but in some places can be all year round!)
    Your new friend,
    David Fox
