Sunday, July 26, 2015

Haiku--By Carolyn Noah Graetz--United States

cotton ginning time
my hometown
one flurry, then another

sky in the boondocks
the moon
the stars

dinner on the ground
prayer over
gnats fly in

Carolyn Noah Graetz was born in a small country community of
Blackmonton in Carroll County, Mississippi. She graduated from the Vaiden High School in that county in 1956. In the fall of that year she entered the Touro Infirmary School of Nursing in New Orleans. A few years later she attended and graduated from the school of nurse anesthesia at the Charity Hospital in New Orleans. She has been married for 50 years to Dr. Roger Graetz, and they have two children and four grandchildren who were born on three different continents.


  1. love these haiku that tell me so much about your life

  2. I thought your last Haiku was magnificent. I really enjoyed reading and feeling these illustrious poems here this evening. What a fabulous set of poetry. Great work,


  3. The wonder of Haiku. Same moon and stars.
    Love sharing your experiences. Beautiful work. Ralph

    1. When that one about the moon and stars I was far out in the country. They have electricity and modern conveniences. However, the moon and stars shine so bright without artificial light in the city. The sky has no limit

  4. Loved your Haiku Carolyn, It is wonderful how so much can be said in so few words. You did a great job. Thank you for sharing your talent and lovely Haiku.

  5. Hello Carolyn, Love the haiku. The last one kind of made me chuckle as some gnats have found their way in my wife and I home. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (
