Sunday, July 5, 2015

Tanka--By Anne Curran--New Zealand

at Confirmation...
two old timers
about the names
of their patron saints

reading her list
of instructions
left on the counter...
'back soon
love mother'

shouting at ghosts
in the deep of night ...
I start to understand
why politicians perform
the way they do

Anne Curran is a Japanese verse forms poet from Hamilton, New Zealand.  Anne has been writing poetry for about ten years with the encouragement of friends and family. She draws inspiration from the world around her. She has been fortunate to enjoy the wisdom of some fine editors and fellow poets.


  1. particularly like that last tanka - very timely

  2. I loved your second Tanka. You have to read deeply into the poem to get the imbedded meaning within the piece. What a great poem,


  3. Nice work, Anne. I especially like the first one. Thank you for sharing your Tanka. Continued blessings!

    -MJ (

  4. Good work on ghosts. Enjoyed your work. Ralph.

  5. Anne,
    I liked the last tanka also, but they are all very good.
    Your friend,
    David Fox
