Thursday, December 24, 2015

It is enough...By Jim Teeters--United States

It is enough
to let the candle burn
watch the flame
linger in the evening light

It is enough to sit
breathe slowly
let the night thicken
around you

It is enough to
be alive
         with the flame
                    in the dark
and to breathe

Jim Teeters has published poetry in several anthologies. He conducts poetry workshops for children and adults and is active in poetry readings in the Seattle area through the Striped Water Poets. He is the author of six poetry collections and the book, Teach with Style, (ASTD Press July 2013). Jim is a retired social worker living in Kent, Washington.


  1. Well done, really, it is just enough!

  2. I felt so calm reading this, and saw it so clearly. well done. best wishes. Pete.

  3. Hello Jim

    It was an honor to read your entry. It is very much poetry. I loved the voice and tone. The repetition was appropriately utilized for emphasis and impact. And yes, it is enough. Thank you for sharing your talent. Sincerely, Ann Marie Mazzarella
