Thursday, December 31, 2015

Submission Guidelines

Thank you for considering Whispers for a place to share your writing.  The guidelines follow:

Update--11/14/2016 (see below)

1.  Submissions of unpublished and previously published work are acceptable.  Please do not send quotes from others unless they are in the context of the piece submitted and that the original author is given credit.  It is up to the author to obtain permission if needed for reprints.  By submitting to Whispers, the writer is assuring that the work is his or her own. Whispers reserves the right to delete any work that has been copied from another writer without credit or authorization. (Please do not send simultaneous submissions--as above previously published poems and unpublished poems are welcomed. Thank you.)

2.  Send one of the three following:

    ---1 poem 20 lines or less

    ---up to 5 haiku/senryu (please make sure to clearly identify that separate poems are being submitted)

    ---up to 3 tanka (see above)

    ---for people that are not poets, 1 short paragraph of encouragement will be considered

Writers are eligible for publication every other month.

3.  You may include a bio of 4-5 lines written in third person style.  See “Living Wings” published January 15, 2013 for an example.  A bio is not necessary for publication.

4.  No profanity, erotica, violence or other derogatory writing will be accepted.

5.  Whispers reserves the right to select poetry based on the goal stated at the end of the guidelines.

6.  Spiritual poetry is welcomed but the editor would like to have a variety of pieces that will uplift and inspire readers.  Humor is appreciated.

7.  Children’s poetry is appreciated.  Parent permission is required.  Please email before sending.

8.  Poetry will be published along the left margin for consistency.  Please keep that in mind when submitting.

9.  Preferred method of submission is to send poetry as a works document or in the body of an email with your name and country.  Please email your submission to Karen O’Leary at  If you would rather submit by snail mail, please email Karen for her address.  You may email her with any questions you may have.

10.  I hope you also participate by commenting on others’ writing. 

In this challenging time for many, it is the hope that Whispers will connect people in a way that is supportive, encouraging and inspiring to others.  Thank you for considering being a part of this community.


  1. my name is ritamarie recine ..
    i am unsure of where to send some of my poems to whispers for consideration
    thanking you in advance Ms. o leary
    ritamarie recine
    we have a few poets in common valerie and marianne
    thank you very much

    1. Dear Rita,

      Thank you for your interest. The email address to submit poetry is in the guidelines Thank you for your interest.


  2. Nice to note the guidelines, It means if a poem shared with Google + (but Not published in any book / e-magzine / e-book) can be submitted ?
    Please revert back. Thanks for reply.

  3. Dear Satish,

    I publish previously published poetry in print or online but would appreciate that if you have anything in any current issue of either print or online venues, you would wait to submit those poems until they are archived. I want to be open to reprints but also want to be courteous to other editors who work hard to bring publications to the writing community. If something appears in multiple venues at the same time, it is not likely to get read again after the first read. Thus, it is not beneficial to the poet or the editor.

    I hope this answers your question? If not, please email me. Thank you for consideration of Whispers to share your work.

    Blessings and best wishes,

  4. Ah this explains why my poem "The Great Artist" was not published this August, correct?

    1. Dear Martha,

      Your poem has just been published. I publish about two writers a day for better visibility of each contributor. Thank you for your email regarding this. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

