Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Miss Universe--By Vivian Belford--Nigeria

Miss Universe

Miss universe is not the pageant queen
But mother waiting lovingly at home
She is first runner up as soon as it crows
And households, chores and tasks without a hiss
Her poise, a graceful sight in chaos, and panic
Her steps, a courteous one in crowd and court
Her devotion, a blend of love, faith and truth
Her words, a balm for squalls and storms
Her hands soothes the crib,
Her heart teases the rib,
Her humanity settles the world
A con artist for unity,
A convict of hope,
An emblem of family
A dauntless mind
A rare gem
An Amazon
Her golden years and silver mane
Of astuteness, awareness and view
Her golden crown ..

Vivian Belford is a freelance writer by day and an aspiring actor by night, she started writing professionally in 2013. Some of her work has been featured in Indian periodicals, Tuck magazine and Creativity webzine. She is currently starring in her own movie "living and dying with a smile." She writes from Abuja, Nigeria.


  1. Vivian, what a marvelous and well put together description of mother; so true! Thank you for sharing your talent.

  2. Thank you Charlene, God bless our mothers.
