Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Bounty--By Gerald Heyder--United States


It’s not hard to quote the immortal bard
when he wrote, “How much sharper than
a serpent’s tooth is an ungrateful child.”
Sad to say in this day and age, how many
of us are ungrateful, perhaps even hateful
when we take for granted what we have
and are disenchanted for what we do
not possess, hence we are hard pressed
for thankfulness though we are blessed
I pray every day for my unlimited bounty

Gerald Heyder loves to write as well as draw cartoons. He also enjoys vintage movies, TV shows and oldies music.  He once served a hitch in the military. His favorite subject is history. “That’s it!”


  1. A poem of truth, too many people are discontent while they still have so much already. Gratitude is to count your blessings and you will realize you're rich after all.
    Thanks Gerald for your contribution

    Best wishes,

  2. such truth here - love the Shakespeare quote worked into this

  3. Dear Jack and Inge,

    Thank you for sharing your kind words on Gerald's poem. I will send them to him.

    Congratulations Gerald! What a blessing to have you sharing your words for Whispers.

