Friday, November 24, 2017

Gratitude--By Dr. Upma A. Sharma--India


Perpetual fragrance of life sojourns in air,
As golden glitter of sun swigs despair; 

Nature endows riches on us to cherish,
Its boundless bounties will never vanish;

A tranquil soul that plucks strings of kindness,
will relinquish soreness of the brutish heartless;

Let magnificent aurora of dawn unfold,
and emotions of gratitude rise manifold.

Passion for poetry can enthuse anyone, Dr. Upma A. Sharma has proved this so well. A doctor by profession, she finds time from her busy schedule to satiate her appetite for words, words that rhyme with her heart. She feels that nothing in this world happens without a reason and so is poetry. A purposeful expression of emotions and thoughts and positive words certainly are a way to serenity.