Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Transformational Gratitude--By Tim Philippart--United States

Transformational Gratitude

Veins of gratitude are hard to mine
in stony hearts.
Drilling deeper than a perfunctory thank you,
like the ones to a faceless waitress or,
the guy who courteously holds the door
Even though, you rarely need any help,
a heart stirred gratitude, often watered by a tear,
irrigated with a catch in your voice,
is something to be grateful for

Tim Philippart sold his business, retired to teach himself to write and discovered that wasn’t very retired at all. He ghost blogs, writes poetry, nonfiction and an occasional magazine piece.


  1. Dear Tim, you are on point to appreciate kindness.
    Sometimes we are surprised by little friendly gestures of others and it's something we should be grateful for as you described in your nice poem.

    Best wishes,

  2. Thanks, Tim, this is refreshing insight. You remind us that we don't need a sledgehammer to break up "a stony heart," a kind word or an act of love will do it...
