Saturday, December 9, 2017

Archive Selection--By Suzanne Delaney--United States--Originally Published--January 29, 2013

Another Jewel Sunrise

Pink inks of dawn glow
through a dissolving fog
lifting botanical shadows
alive with enchanting birds.
Rustling leaves
stir the world awake.

Over the horizon a bustling
city throbs,
a million or more people
going to their jobs,
missing this quiet solitude.

Radios thump. They drive
bumper to bumper,
eyes glued to the freeway.

Another jewel sunrise slips
right by them.

Suzanne Delaney, Hawaii, is a Retired Registered Nurse certified in Med/Surg. Since retiring she has participated in (online) poetry groups. She is originally from Australia but lived in the Hawaiian Islands for most of her adult life. Her poetry is a mixture from living between both Australia and Hawaii. Her poems are included in an Anthology A Bridge to ALL Nations.


  1. Dear Suzanne,

    I really love this poem, people are so busy with whatever they are doing that they miss the simple beauty of nature's phenomena.

    Best wishes,

  2. loved this thoughtful piece - sadly, so very true

  3. It is so true SuZ. A lot of my poetry comes from driving in my car and observing the beauty of the clouds and the surrounding flowering trees of these islands. It has so much to offer the discerning eye. Congratulations on having this lovely poem as and Archive Selection. I was mesmerized!
    Happy holidays to you and your family. Love and Aloha, Connie : )xxoo
