Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Multi-Language Poetry Feature/Collaborative Poetry Opportunity--Hosted by Jack Horne—England, Our Features Editor

It was a pleasure to announce our writing team at the beginning of this month. Both Inge and Jack bring their talents to Whispers.  It is a privilege to work with them as we move forward with our journal.

In keeping with the desire to provide different opportunities, Jack Horne, Whispers’ Features Editor is offering an opportunity for our diverse global community to share poetry written in two or more languages.  

He is also willing to consider collaborative poetry as an ongoing opportunity—please contact Jack at jack-marcus@outlook.com  with your ideas.

1. Two or more writers may collaborate to a submit poem in more than one language for consideration to be featured our online journal. Each writer must provide consent if more than one person is submitting a bilingual poem.

2. Preferred method of submission is to send your poem in the body of an email with your name and country to Jack at  jack-marcus@outlook.com  You may email Jack with any questions you may have.

3. The total line-count for multi-language poems is 20 lines for the English version as primary language. For collaborative poems, the line limit is 40.

4. The deadline for multi-language poems is December 25.

5. There is no submissions deadline for collaborative poetry. Take your time and enjoy the collaborative experience.

6. No profanity, erotica, violence or other derogatory writing will be accepted.

7. Poetry will be published along the left margin for consistency. Please keep that in mind when submitting.

I hope you enjoy the opportunity to experience the joy of writing in more than one language and/or writing poetry with others.

Karen O’Leary
Whispers’ Editor

1 comment:

  1. Jack. Keep up the good work. You are a blessing to Whispers!

