Sunday, April 6, 2014

Luna--By Phyllis Babcock--Canada


The clouds play hide and seek as they glide
Ever so playful among the starry heavens
Stars twinkle shining like diamonds
As the full moon smiles brightly.

Shadows softly engulf the forest below
A hush descends as twilight fades
Luna's blue hue lights the world below
Twilight disappears hiding our view.

Phyllis Babcock was born in Saskatchewan, Canada in 1951 and currently resides in Regina with her husband. She has been blessed with two wonderful sons and daughter-in-laws. She has two grandsons and two granddaughters. She started writing poetry in 2004 and joined Poetry Soup site in 2006. She has been published in two anthologies, On Butterfly Wings and Snippets. Her work has also appeared on and in a local seniors’ newspaper. She feels writing has been a wonderful journey, meeting many new poets and writers along the way.


  1. Dear Phyllis,
    This is such a delightful poem filled with creative imagery. Really enjoyed thinking about the clouds playing "hide and seek." Also loved the way twilight brought a "hush" to the forest before hiding it from view. This is one of the loveliest poems about twilight that I've ever read. Simply amazing, dear friend! Love, Carolyn

  2. Hi, Phyllis, I love how your poem helps me visualize all the stars at night as a tiara for the beautiful moon! I agree with Carolyn that the loveliness of this poem is outstanding! Sheri

  3. Phyllis,
    What a beautiful poem.The clouds are an Art Gallery for all to gaze upon. Mary

  4. I love looking at the night sky, and your poem made me smile. When I look up and see the stars, the moon, the heavens; I am awed by the majesty of our Creator. Great imagery. Wonderfully written. Kristina

  5. Thank you for a lovely visual. I particularly liked the line "clouds play hide and seek"; an interesting way of describing the gliding clouds. I could easily picture the scene with your well chosen words. I so enjoyed the read.
    Love, Charlene

  6. Thank you, Phyllis Babcock, for the following comment--

    Thank you all for your comments on my poem. I am glad you enjoyed the visual of Luna. love phyl

  7. Thank you, Jack Horne, for the following comment--

    lovely write, my friend

  8. Thank you, Connie Marcum Wong, for the following comment--

    Your lovely poem transported me into nature’s realm Phyllis.
    How this gem inspires me! Blessings, Connie

  9. Thanks for the reminder of just how beautiful clouds are, Phyllis, I love the clouds and I love this poem. Thanks for sharing and continued blessings!

    -Maurice J. Reynolds, Owner / Editor
    TGBTG! Publications / Creative Inspirations
