Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Easter Story--By Joyce Johnson--United States

The Easter Story

This Easter season let me stay
With my Lord, as He wends His way
To turn away would be high treason.
Let me stay this Easter season.

Let me be she who lifts the cross,
Who comforts Mary in her loss.
Right by his side I long to be.
Who lifts the cross let me be she.

I want to be of lonely few
Who are still there in morning dew.
First the rolled away stone to see.
Of lonely few I want to be.

Let me go forth to spread the news
Our dear Lord chose His life to lose.
He died for me of little worth.
To spread the news, let me go forth.

The Easters story often told
Is fresh as in the days of old.
Let me tell of its pure glory.
Often told, the Easter Story.

Joyce Johnson lives in the beautiful Skagit Valley of Washington State. She owns a small farm and rents her land to a bulb grower. She is surrounded by beauty in the spring from the tulips and daffodils that inspire much of her poetry. Joyce will celebrate her 95th birthday in July of 2013.


  1. Thank you, Sara Kendrick, for the following comment--

    Love the Easter Story told through your eyes and gifted quill.

    Sara Kendrick

  2. Sara, you story is told beautifully and I love the feeling I get of a bundle of thoughts permeating one's mind at such a time. What we feel or what we all personally envision at the Risen - is so much alike and yet so very different and unique! Thanks for expressing yours so admirably. Sheri /

  3. Dear Joyce,
    Your writing is always flawless, meaningful and heartfelt. The Easter story is one that has been told many times, but I love the way you put yourself into the story -- being there was the stone is removed and then sharing the happy news with the world. May you have a blessed Easter, dear friend. It is a time to give thanks for the sacrifice Christ made and Sandra and I will do so at the sunrise service on the beach. Sending hugs and love, Carolyn

  4. Dear Joyce,

    I really liked how you re-told the Easter Story, Joyce. As Carolyn said it was very meaningful and heartfelt. So well written and an enjoyable read as Easter approaches. Happy Easter and I hope you have lovely holiday with your family.

    Sandra Stefanowich

  5. Dear Joyce, I just loved this beautiful personified poem about Jesus' "Atoning Sacrifice" that paid the price for each of us so that we each will be resurrected. I especially appreciated your word "chose" that speaks volumes to me. Yes he did choose to die for us. He could have refused and we would be lost but because of His great love for the Father and desire to do His will, as well as His great love for us, He suffered and died that we might be able to live with them forever. Thank you for sharing such meaningful words as well as your talent.
    Love, Charlene

  6. Hi Joyce. Thank you for the refreshing and delightful poetry you have shared with us. I enjoyed meditating upon it. Your profile says that you are "surrounded by tulips and daffodils in the spring time." That must be a place of complete serenity. Looking forward to reading more of your work. Continued blessings!

    -Maurice J. Reynolds, Owner / Editor
    TGBTG! Publications / Creative Inspirations

  7. That is a most beautiful poem Joyce I
    It certainly comes across just how devout a Christian you are it is the most beautiful Easter poem I have ever read as I would say Italian BELLISIMMO!!!

    Write On You Write Well

    God Bless

