Monday, April 14, 2014

Nature’s Songs--By John W. (Bill) Williams--United States

Nature’s Songs

I find my greatest inspiration
In the solitude of nature,
Where melodies of whippoorwills’ shrills
Disturb night’s silence,
Here by this old mountain road
I listen and nod to each
Distant melody; it is never lonely
When my soul is absorbed with peace
That comes from nature’s songs.

John W. (Bill) Williams is a retired language arts and children’s literature educator.  He lives in Martin, GA, where he stays busy with his art and poetry.  He has been published in a variety of venues.


  1. John, thank you for taking me on this wonderful and rich tour! I love the sounds and the life within! Welcome to Whispers! Sheri /

  2. Dear John,

    I really enjoyed reading your poem about Nature's Songs as I am inspired by nature too. I can picture the lovely place you reside and the sounds of the birds you describe it sounds like paradise. Beautifully written, John!

  3. Nature is home of peace. I can relate to your poem, and I could imagine the presence of nature in every line of your poem. Thanks for writing a mesmerising poem.

  4. Nice work, John. It's always good to read your work. Are you all settled from the move yet? I look forward to receiving more of your work at Creative Inspirations. Continued blessings, my friend!

    -Maurice J. Reynolds, Owner / Editor
    TGBTG! Publications / Creative Inspirations

  5. Hi Everyone,

    Thank you for the lovely comments for John which I will sent to him. This is such a wonderful poem with a message everyone can relate too. Thank you, John, for continuing to share your talent for Whispers. Wishing you ongoing success with your writing.

