Friday, April 24, 2015

caffeine free--By Carl "Papa" Palmer--United States

caffeine free

coffee remaining
in half empty cup
long grown cold

former upper half
upon jacket, tie,
once white shirt,

pants, steering wheel,
dash, bucket seat
after racing time

in behind time rush
to grab and gulp
drive-thru skinny

grandé latte for a
normal hour drive
in twenty six minutes

Carl "Papa" Palmer, retired Army, retired FAA, now just plain retired, lives in University Place, Washington. He has seven chapbooks and a contest winning poem riding buses somewhere in Seattle. Carl has been nominated for the Micro Award and Pushcart Prize.

MOTTO: Long Weekends Forever


  1. Thanks, Peggy, for posting this one, a reminder of how much I don't miss work.

  2. Carl, your poetry is awesome! Love reading it. I will go visit your web page, too.... Sheri

  3. Nice one, Carl. This gave me a nice chuckle. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (
