Saturday, April 18, 2015

Identity--By Sara R. Vogler--United States


adapting to one's environment, blending,
forming, reorganizing,
and turning day dreams into vision dreams.

most alive on stage,
where words wage war beneath walls made of concrete and bricks,
where flowers grow within the thorny ceilings,
i discover that i remain,
i remain honorable, loyal, and legendary in most of the dark,
in the night of nights,
i chose to be an enigma.

an enigma,
whose onion layers,
one most peel one by one,
sometimes too difficult to understand and uncover,
too fragile to break,
so i stomp out the uncertainties away with my black boots,
and i stay where the fold exists,
where the beautiful curtain will rise above the dead, and the good will stay.

Sara R. Vogler is a published poet and writer, originally from Krakow, Poland. Currently living in Washington, DC, her work has ranged from poetry to critical essays. Recently, she has collaborated with her father on a three-piece book featuring work to honor their past. Vogler finds comfort in knowing that her words will someday make a lasting impression on someone's life.


  1. Yes, we are all so complicated and yet so transparent at times. Your poem speaks volumes! Sheri

  2. lovely write, especially loved the onion line

  3. I liked the onion line as well, nice piece!

  4. Hi Sara. Nice work on your poem. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (
