Sunday, April 5, 2015

Pages--By Gerald Heyder--United States


With the slow turning
of pages, life changes,
it rearranges in stages
so insidiously we
do not see or feel
the snail’s pace creeping
of time in our tenure
of existence on earth.
Sand in the hour glass
passes by and we sigh
wondering why we didn’t
comprehend the end result
of events presented to us
on the carousel of life.
The cradle is rocking
turning our pages
until the book is done.

Gerald Heyder is a published poet from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


  1. Very creative, Gerald, that a day in each life is indeed like turning the page(s) and have we taken advantage of filling the pages with our best? Whether it was your intent or not, this is how I derive your poem and it offers an awful lot of food for thought. Sheri

  2. well done, enjoyed reading this poem

  3. Very nice, Gerald. I really like this. Thank you for sharing and continued blessings!

    -MJ (

  4. So.o.o good. I'm envious. Talent can not be hidden nor ignored. Congratulations on creating this stunning work. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Dear Gerald,

    Congratulations on all the lovely comments on your wonderful poem! Your I really enjoyed the perspective in this piece. Thank you so much for your ongoing support. It is a joy to publish your words.


    To Everyone that was so kind to take time to comment on Gerald's poem. I will send your comments to him. Thank you so much.
